Angelic Messages

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Archangel Gabriel

A Christmas Message from the Archangel GabrielChanneled by Edwin Courtenay
December 2004

I am the Archangel Gabriel, Archangel of the west and water, archangel of dreams and seas, archangel of the oceans, and grace and flow.

To many I am the archangel of birth, because it was I who was instructed to bring the message of Jesus' birth to Mary. But in truth my affiliation and connection to the powers of birth began a long time ago in ancient Atlantis when as patron of the royal family of water, it was my duty to instruct the priesthood of this royal family's cast as to the mysteries and ancient truths of birth in the spiritual and physical planes, creating on earth the first midwives of your world.

I come forward in order to speak in part of birth but also of messages and messengers. For this period of time in your year is a time when angels have been hailed and recognised and are thought of more strongly than any other time throughout your year, because of the part that angels played in bringing forth the message of Jesus' birth and because of the way in which this is remembered and celebrated at Christmas time. Angels exist and have existed since the very beginning.

Extensions of the Divine, we have always been entrusted with the care of man and of your world and often sent forth to the planet earth in order to pass on mysteries and truths of great divinity and power that would aid mankind in not only their sustation but also their continued evolution.

We were the original teachers of those arts and practices that you have now come to know as magic, philosophy, astrology, geometry, numerology, healing, architecture and art. But also at times we have been used to bring forward prophecy, guidance of what was to occur in order to forewarn and prepare.

We were used as harbingers to pave the way for important events and individuals who would come to change the destiny of mankind.

One such time of course was the birth of Jesus and I was chosen as the angel of birth to bring this message to Mary, not as commandment but as question, to see if she would be willing to allow herself to be used as a vessel through which this birth would be made manifest.

I was instructed to make it very clear to Mary as to what would be expected of her, of the judgements that would be made by others and her husband of her and her situation, of the pain and anguish, of the agony and sorrow that she would experience, as well as of the joys and wonder.Such visions of the future, the great and grand predictions of her child, though startling and inspiring, were nothing more than dreams.

Mary was a wise woman who even at such a tender age had been taught of the mysteries of the Divine Mother and knew that predictions uttered, even by an angel, were not guaranteed to be truth, so powerful is the free will of mankind.

And so of course her immediate thoughts turned to herself and the part that she would play - not only the indignation that she must endure but also the art and craft that she must exercise in raising such a powerful child and equipping it to cope with its destiny.

Mary was a brave woman who assumed this duty and responsibility unfalteringly, who in the fullness of knowledge allowed herself to become the sacred vessel through which this great and powerful light would re-emerge upon the earth and move forwards to carry the great and powerful energy of the Christ light into the world.

With all this knowledge of what would be, she accepted this proposal, this invitation and opened herself to receive a child of light.Such events that occur in time, that mark the beginning of a change for the whole of mankind, that occur both physically and energetically in all planes, create echoes and ripples that vibrate backwards and forwards in time.

Although it may be that December 25th is not an accurate calendar anniversary of the birth of Jesus, nevertheless because of mankind's conscious thought centering upon this occurrence at this time, they open themselves to the echoes of this great occurrence. Of course to some this is no more than a story; a fable and a fairytale represented by pretty images on Christmas cards and nothing more.

But still these people to some extent will feel the rippling echoes of this powerful moment and be lit by the hope and light that it represented and represents now. For the past is not over, all moments of time in their own place being constant, and as such the light that rippled out from this moment still has power in the now which can be drawn upon, welcomed in, utilised and used, to inspire and uplift, to create hope and joy, so that mankind may recognise that they are not alone but accompanied constantly by the presence of the Divine.

Some people say that there is no relevance now to the birth of this Master, of this messiah, that in this modern age where the global community has become so small and intelligent man and woman recognises that no one religion has dominance over the world, that we live in a multicultural society full of various religions, in this day and age where we must not allow ourselves to be dominated by a single truth, we should not put emphasis upon such a religious occurrence but rather focus on the underlying principles that are venerated at this time.

Although this is true, it is also true that the essence of the mysteries and teachings, of the power and presence, of the significance of the birth of this child, is not Christian but something which transcends it, something which is found at the heart and core of every religion and something which every person at this moment in time can seize upon in order to make their life a better and brighter experience.

The birth of Jesus represented hope and was the fulfillment of a pattern that began a long, long time ago - the birth of hope in times of darkness, the emergence of light in the depth of night, the birth of the promised child in the depth of winter. A light that reminds us that we are not alone, that there is always hope and guidance and love that comes from the Source, the Creator of all, the Divine.

A light that offers illumination and teaching, enlightenment and truth through its example and its words, through the nature of its being and the echo of its memory, through its burning presence and its desire to follow the path that was laid before it by the Divine.

The echoes of such energy can be opened up to and welcomed in, each time we gaze upon the image of a nativity, each time we sing a Christmas hymn, each time our thoughts focus upon the essence of this Christmas story we can fill ourselves with the light of the Master Jesus and the Christ force, of the holy family and the sacrifices that they made for the whole world in order to bring forward the essence and epitome of the light, teaching and love of God the Divine Source.

The pattern that this singular and very famous occurrence echoes is seen in a number of different religions, indeed in the religion which is native to the British Isles, the old pagan religion, the religion of the old ways. For indeed at this time of the year the Goddess, the central figure within this religion, gives birth to a child of promise - to two children in fact, who represent in turn herself and her husband who has sacrificed himself in order to give life to the land.

These children of promise grow and become the reincarnations of their parents - the child of light, the son, growing to become the oak king and the daughter growing to become the goddess of spring and summer. This constant cycle of the birth of light and life helps renew within us a sense of flow and grace and trust and belief that light will always, eternally follow darkness and lead us from the shadows into truth.

And so, pertinent as the ever-moving cycle of the seasons, this story in its own way echoes the story of the birth of Jesus. Both are mysteries and patterns and in core the same; one occurring on the physical plane and the other a transcendent octave which has always been in the higher spiritual worlds.

And so it goes on around the world and indeed there are other places, other religions and cultures which in their own way celebrate the birth of light in times of darkness, acknowledge the presence and the power of the Divine when the world is in need.

It is important then at yuletide, at Christmas, to open yourselves to receive the echo of this love and also to utilise this moment to draw closer to us, the angelic kingdom. For when mankind's consciousness focuses on the existence of such beings, doorways and portals are opened whereby we angels have greater access to the world and to mankind than ever before.

And suddenly our presence can be known and seen, our light and life and laughter known. And we can move amongst men and women as we did; be seen, be experienced in a whole and total way.

As you gaze upon each Christmas card, sing songs of angels, focus on my part within the Christmas mystery, open yourself to the reality of our being and as such reaffirm to yourself that you are not alone. And so my message for you this Christmastime, whenever you read these words, is this:

I am the angel of birth and have been present at the birth of all of mankind in all of their incarnations. As such too I am present at the death of all life, for death is a rebirth too and as I am midwife to life I am also midwife to afterlife.

My message today is not about earthly death but it is about the death and rebirth of the soul that occurs as we journey through life and strive constantly to understand and make sense of our existence, journeying inwards and outwards in order to comprehend the nature of our evolution, of the part that we have to play, striving to grow, striving to expand, striving to be more than we are.

This birth, this death, the death of ignorance, the birth of revelation, is a constant process of which I am aware and part of. And so today it is this that I speak of, this message that I give.Christmas time, which lies towards the end of your year, is a dark time of light and can be for some a dark time of heart.

Exhausted from the efforts that you have made throughout the year that has passed, it is common to find this time stressful and hard. And yet this is no more than the labour pains of rebirth, for the new year always brings to the hearts of many hope, a blank page extending before you in which anything may be written to atone and redeem yourself for those things that you have done that make you feel unworthy of the light and life and the true teachings that you wield and also infinite opportunities and possibilities to grow and to exercise your powers with greater restraint, subtlety, gentleness and light.

Pass through this dark time but as you do, feel the star rise in your heart, the light of Jesus being born. Know that this is the continuation of something which occurred before and which has always occurred in many different ways and forms and that you are part of this chain, this link. That each Christmastime as you open your heart to the returning of the light, you are reborn also - as saviour and messiah of yourself and the microcosm that is your world.

Acknowledge that you are part of this Christmas miracle and each year decide how much you will surrender yourself to the birth of light that transpires inside you with all your knowledge of the difficulties as well as the loves that this will bring.As I once delivered this message to Mary, so now do I deliver it to you.

As you stand on the threshold of a new year it is your choice. Will you open yourself and be reborn in light to go forwards in full awareness to bring forward the true essential nature of your divinity? And if so how much will you do this? Trusting and then acknowledging that there is darkness to be experienced as much as there is joy. In order to make your decision it is important that you know the simple truth that I gave Mary that enabled her to find the courage and the strength to do what she did.

You are not alone, never have been and never will be, but are always surrounded by the loving presence of the Divine and as such the Divine asks no more of you than you are capable of doing and can be called upon, leaned upon and relied upon to provide you with the aid and assistance that you might need in enduring your path and finding within it the light of love and transformation.

Today we have spoken of ancient and mysterious things which may seem simple. The simplicity is an indication of their divinity and not to be underestimated but rather seen as a sign of the deep nature of their truth. Take all that has been said here and use it wisely and well to grow in light.

Metatron's Message

April 18, 2005 Through Reniyah Wolf

My Beloved Ones, I greet you this day in eternal joy, as part of your planet is in the midst of spring and the other is in the midst of autumn. As the affairs of your world continue to be turbulent, I ask you to remember that without turbulence there is no change. Humanity must experience that which is undesirable before it can propel change.

The collective consciousness of Earth is a group energy comprised of the energies of all the humans and life forms which live on the planet. What you experience in your world is a product of your collective pool of thought.
Because your plane has long been in the lower frequencies of fear, it is a karmic plane. As you have co-created with those of us in the higher planes to bring increased light frequencies into the Earth plane, it is now possible to live "without karma".

This is possible for individuals who have raised their own personal frequency enough to transmute their own personal karma. It will not be possible for humans, as a collective consciousness, to live free of karma until it is transmuted on a collective basis as well. This is the process you are undergoing now, my Beloved Ones, the transmutation of the collective karma of Earth. Each one of you are assisting in this as you pursue the raising of your own frequencies as fully embodied consciousness.

The law of karma is a cosmic law. It is not one which is based on rewards and punishments, but one based upon the focus of thought, individual and collective. The law of karma exists upon the judgment of good and evil. As soon as one, or a group, begin to judge the polarities on which experience is based, then the one, or the group must experience both sides of the polarity. This cosmic law is also sometimes stated as "that which you resist, you will draw to yourself to experience." The only way to transmute karma is to respond to the type of experience which has created the karma in a different way; a way that is beyond fear and judgment.

This holds true for the individual and the collective. The only way your human societies will be transformed is by humanity responding in a different way to the same repetitive experiences that it has created time and time again. You, as individuals, are part of the collective; an extremely important part. You are the bearers of the Light frequencies into the Earth plane, and by transmuting your own karma within yourselves; you are making great changes in the collective consciousness as well. Many of you came to your human embodiments without karma. Did you know that? You chose to come here from the higher dimensions above duality in order to assist humanity in its ascension.

You created karma for yourselves, though, in your present embodiments, because Earth is a karmic plane. At the time of your arrivals here, it was impossible to do otherwise than create personal karma. When one takes embodiment in a plane of fear, where the standards of good and evil are embedded so deeply in the collective consciousness, one cannot really avoid creating personal karma. The influence of the collective is too strong. There was another important reason that you created karma for yourselves as well. You created it specifically for the purpose of transmuting it. You came to Earth equipped with the higher consciousness to be able to do that; to respond to the karmic experiences in a way which would not have been possible for the masses of humanity.

If you are following with me so far, you will remember that each individual consciousness is a part of the collective consciousness. As each one of you transmutes your individual karma by rising above fear and judgment, you are a powerful stimulus to the transmutation of the karma of the collective. When karma is transmuted, there is always change, upheaval, as the karmic patterns are broken. This will be true whether in your own life or with the events of your world. Since the evolution your world is undertaking now is an accelerated one, the karmic transmutation is also accelerated. For this reason, there are many turbulent events occurring in your world, and they shall continue to do so until the collective karma is transmuted.

There are still many of you who are very fearful about what is happening around you, and very concerned that the world situations are not improving. Gently, I remind you, my Beloved Ones, that it is your own fear and judgment that perpetuates the karmic patterns. Humans have lived in fear and judgment of one another for a very long time. That fear and judgment is what creates the situations of human against human that you so deplore. To judge and condemn another human, or group of humans will only create more of that which you do not desire.

There are a vast number of voices speaking to you, both from within your plane and without. Some of these voices are focused towards the empowerment of humanity and others are focused toward perpetuating the fear and duality. You will become very confused listening to these voices, as each one has a different story to tell. Some of them are telling you stories in order to serve their own ends, which do not include the transmutation of the collective karma of Earth. As Earth has entered the age of technology, the sources of information, of stories are virtually endless. To look for your answers and your truth amidst this huge amount of information is a fruitless task, one which will ultimately lead you around to the same karmic circles as in the past.

My Beloved Ones, once again I encourage you to focus upon your own inner being and look to transmute your personal karma by rising above fear and judgment. Withdraw into the stillness of your own hearts to find your own truth and do not look to others to supply it to you. That truth that you adopt from outside of yourself will be incomplete and unfulfilling. You are the brilliantly shining Lights of this evolution of human consciousness. It is you who are in the forefront of transmuting your planetary karma. Embrace these changes that are happening in your world, as they are the precursors to the great change you seek and are longing for. By denying them and condemning them, you are merely binding yourself to the old patterns once again.

There is an extraordinary Divine Alchemy also happening with your planet and humanity as it experiences this karmic transmutation. The roots of a new human evolution are taking hold. Through the changes that will occur in your lives and in your world over the next years, a human society of Oneness will indeed be birthed. If there is no change, no upheaval which causes the old ways and systems to be evaluated and dispensed with, then no evolution is possible. As it is throughout the entire cosmos. The realization of desire is not made clear in the absence of that which is not desired. It is that which is not desired which defines that which is.
My Beloved Ones, that choice to move beyond fear and into your own empowerment has never been more important. By moving beyond fear, you will transmute your own karma, and also assist in transmuting that of the collective. I encourage you, each and every one, to begin or continue writing your own stories, rather than looking for your own power through the stories of others. You will not find it there, in the next group, cause, organization, agenda. You will not find it on the television, on the internet, in the newspapers, at the movies.

You will not even find it through your spiritual circles, because your own power can only be drawn from within yourself. You may find assistance and inspiration through your connections with others, but it is you alone that can make that choice to overcome fear and take your power. You have really not begun to write your own stories yet if you are still living in fear and looking for truth outside of yourself. You begin to write your own story from a place of power within. Unless you have begun to write your own story, then you will not know which of the other stories are in resonance with your own. The other stories will continue to confuse you and create fear within you.

My Beloved Ones, these times on planet Earth are about your own personal ascension, and from the ascension of each one of you, the collective will also be able to ascend. All you need concern yourselves with is your own ascension, your own moving out of the frequencies of fear and karma. As you do this, the collective will also reflect this transmutation of karma. There is no one more important to this planetary ascension process than "you" – the individual who is reading this message right now. Your own karmic transmutation is vitally important to that of the whole. There are no exceptions. Each one of you is key personnel and you are up to the job. I come with messages in order to remind you of that on many levels of your being. Your essence is Love, rather than fear, and you are loved, more than you can know.

I AM Metatron, I AM With You Always